1. In the late 19th century, they came to work in New England cotton mills, but the New York Times, among others, saw something more sinister. By David Vermette, Smithsonianmag.com, Aug 21, 2019: smithsonianmag.com/history/french-canadian-immigrants-struck-fear-into-new-england-communities-180972951/
2. An Intimate Family History of New England's Franco-Americans. By Robert B. Perreault, Zocalo Public Square, Dec 7, 2017: zocalopublicsquare.org/2017/12/07/french-canadians-neither-french-canadian/ideas/essay/
3. Résonance. Literary digital magazine: digitalcommons.library.umain.edu/resonance
4. Le centre de la francophonie des Amériques (Québec): francophoniedesameriques.com/a-propos-en
5. Query the Past. Patrick Lacroix, historian: querythepast.com
6. The French Canadian Legacy Podcast: Jesse Martineau: fclpodcast.com/
7. Moderne Francos: Blog: Mélody Desjardins: modernefrancos.com/
8. Franco American Pathways Podcast: francopathwayspod.wordpress.com/
9. For Literary Novelists the Past is Pressing, Jonathan Lee, NYT, June 13 2021: nytimes.com/2021/06/13/books/review/historical-fiction-jonathan-lee.html